My last 10 QSOs
May be incomplete; Club Log does not support 2200m, 630m or 135cm bands!

Aurora Sentry... click here

Maybe it took a little longer for me to reach Honor Roll, but I am proud of my accomplishment.

100% from my own station - no remotes, no "propagation shopping"

No partial QSOs - both callsigns, report and acknowledgment received over the air...

No imaginary or one-way QSOs...

No relying on online logs to see if I had a QSO because I couldn't copy the DX sending my callsign or other details...

No begging the DX to correct my callsign in the log because he couldn't copy it over the air...

No modes that don't send real callsigns or reports over the air...

...or anything else that would cheat me out of knowing that I really did this using skill and knowledge!

I remember the days when a VHF (or other) weak signal QSO was copying full call signs, signal report and acknowledgment over the air. Even such "minimum" QSOs had substance. They demonstrated station build and operator skill capable of comunicating a certain amount of information over the air. Today things are very different...

No need to copy your own call sign, the software already knows it.

No need to copy more than half the DX call sign, the software can make a best guess by using a database of known call signs.

No need to copy ackknowledgment or other things when a well placed birdie or some interference can provide the software what it wants to see.

To me there is no sense of accomplishement in such a "QSO". I consider them incomplete and invalid.

Last update January 4, 2022

DXCC Verified
CW 336
160M 299
80M 29
40M 39
30M 9
20M 70
17M 11
15M 27
12M 6
10M 10
6M 103
2M 23
Honor Roll
CW 331